

我们想成为 以人为本的医疗之家.

心脏城市健康 proudly holds a Level 3 Patient-Centered Medical 澳门正规赌博十大网站 accreditation. We continue to provide high-quality care that earned us this distinction.

The key to a successful Patient-Centered Medical 澳门正规赌博十大网站 (PCMH) model is a combination of teamwork and information technology. With expert care and service we provide the best patient experience and are able to reduce your total cost of care.

Medical homes create ongoing partnerships between patients and their providers.



PCMH provides primary healthcare that focuses on the whole person. Medical homes help you manage and organize your care at a level where you are comfortable. 我们在文化和语言上都支持你们. 你可以用最适合你的语言得到照顾.


A team of care providers is essential for a medical home to provide comprehensive care. 医生, 护士, 医疗助理, 药剂师, 社会工作者, 牙科人员, 病人护理协调员都是你“家”的一部分.”


The medical home coordinates care across all elements of the broader healthcare system. This includes specialty care, hospitals, home healthcare, community services, and support. Care coordination is critical during the transition between various sites of care.


The medical home is always seeking ways to enhance quality and pursue improvements. This is so patients and families can make informed decisions about their health.

作为你的PCMH, 心脏城市健康 Center offers quality healthcare with support services and compassionate and trustworthy providers.


欢迎. 我在这里要告诉你们一种更好的医疗保健方法. 每个人的健康需求是不同的, but whether you see your doctor once a year or a lot more often, 这可能会很麻烦.

首先,通常很难预约. You rush to get there, but you may end up waiting, and your doctor’s rushed too. 所以即使她想多和你在一起, 她只有几分钟的时间找出问题所在.

The fact is you may end up feeling like just a number or just the next person in a long line. Your doctor only hears about your sore throat or swollen knee that pain in your back or your daughter’s cough and there’s no time for you and your doctor to talk.

It’s even worse if you have a problem in the middle of the night and you’re not sure if it’s serious. Do you wait and try to get an appointment or do you go to the ER where the doctor doesn’t know you? 如果他想做各种测试呢? 你们的保险包括这些吗? 有很多事情要处理, 如果你需要看专家,情况就更复杂了, 就像心脏病专家, 一个过敏专科医生, 或者营养师.

That’s a lot of different health care providers giving you tests, prescriptions, and treatments. 另外,没有一个供应商知道其他供应商在做什么. When you think about it, they’re each just looking at a piece of you. 所以没人能看到全貌.


这不应该更简单,更容易理解吗? 是的! And that’s why there’s a new approach to health care that puts all the pieces together. It’s called the Patient-Centered Medical 澳门正规赌博十大网站, and it’s a way to give you better more personal care.

虽然它被称为医疗之家,但它不是一个地方. 它比那要大得多! A whole team of people who know you work together to give you the best care. It’s led by your health care provider who gets to know you well and works with people like nurses and 药剂师 to make sure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to your care.

There are also people on the team to help you with things like medication costs or insurance questions. Your team is made up of whoever you need, so it changes as your health needs change. 例如, 如果你需要专家, your team can help you find someone right for you and your provider will keep up on everything and make sure the whole team is in the loop about your treatment.

Many medical homes also use things like electronic health records to help coordinate your care. That way you don’t have to keep going over the same information with each health care provider. Your time is valuable, and your team knows you’ve got a lot going on. 所以,在医疗院里,当你需要的时候,更容易得到照顾.

If you’ve got a problem at night or on the weekend you can call, and you may be able to get the help or information you need without even going into the office, 或者如果你需要进来, 工作日的日程安排要灵活得多. So you can often get a same-day appointment or even a longer appointment if you need it.

But patient-centered care isn’t just about getting help when you or someone in your family gets sick. 这是为了预防问题,让你保持健康. They’ll make sure you get things like a yearly checkup or any shots you need.


Your care is tailored or custom built based on your health and family history. So if you need any tests, they’ll contact you to explain the results and schedule any follow-up care. 因为一旦你了解了整个情况, you and your provider can work together to make decisions about your health.

这是合作关系,所以说出来吧. 毕竟, 他们想让你问问题, and they want to hear about anything you’d like to change or improve. Do you need to get more sleep, to lower your cholesterol, or lower your stress level? They’ll help you set goals that make sense for you then it’s up to you to make those changes and to let them know how it’s going.

When it comes to things like asthma diabetes or high blood pressure, they know this can be overwhelming so your team will make sure you get the tools you need. They’ll also take time to explain everything make sure you have the support and resources you need and listen to your concerns. Because caring for the emotional side is just as important as the physical side.

毕竟, 你不只是表格上的一个名字, 你是一个完整的人, and with the patient-centered medical home your team provides health care that fits your life, 所以你会觉得被照顾得很好,就像在家里一样